Breed Standard


The standard for the Olde English “Babydoll” Southdown Sheep was taken directly from the Southdown Sheep Society in England. It is the standard for the original sheep changed only to allow for colors. Only white or mouse colored sheep were allowed under the original standard. The breed description is as follows:

Head: Wide and level between the ears with no sign of slug or dark poll in the whites.

Face: Full, not too long from eyes to nose and of one even color.

Eyes: Large, bright, and prominent.

Ears: Medium size and covered with short wool.

Neck: Wide at the base and well set to the shoulder.

Carriage: Corky legs, short, straight, set on the outside of the body.

Shoulders: Well set, at top level with the back.

Chest: Wide and deep.

Back: Level, with a wide, flat loin.

Ribs: Well-spring and well-ribbed up. Thick through the heart with fore and hind flanks fully developed.

Rump: Wide and long.

Tail: Large and set almost level with chin.

Legs: Full, well let down, with a deep wide twist (including thighs).

Wool: Of fine texture, great density, and of sufficient length of staple covering the whole of the body down to the hocks and knees and right up to the cheeks, with a foretop, but not around the eyes or across the bridge of the nose.

Size: Must be 24″ or under shorn, measured straight up the front leg to the top of the shoulder. Lambing without difficulty is one of the qualities of the “Babydolls;” therefore, ewes under 18″ are discouraged.

Colors: All colors acceptable, black, dilutes, and spotted.